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Envirochip FAQ's

What is Envirochip?

It is a Radiation Protection Chip to be fixed on various wireless devices such as Mobile Phones, Computers, Laptops, Tablets, Wi-Fi Routers, Baby Monitors and Smart TV’s.

What does Envirochip do?

It neutralizes the harmful impact of Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) by changing the nature of waves (radiations) emanating from wireless devices, making them harmless to the human body. It protects the human body from the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation.

It helps one lead a healthier life without compromising on the use of technology.

Why is the nature of electromagnetic radiation harmful and what does the Envirochip do to change it?

The nature of waves emanating from wireless devices is ‘constant’, whereas the nature of waves from the human body is ‘random’. Whenever any ‘constant’ wave comes in contact with the human body’s ‘random’ waves, the human body perceives it as a threat and tries to fight it, just like when a harmful bacteria or virus attacks the body. Being in this constant “fight” mode creates additional stress on the body, leading to lower immunity thus making it susceptible to a variety of health issues like poor sleep quality, excessive fatigue, headaches to brain tumours and cancer in extreme cases.

Envirochip is made up of inert materials which emanate ‘random’ waves and operate at a much higher frequency than the microwave radiations from Mobile Phones, Computers, etc. It works on the principle of superimposition and acts as a ‘carrier wave’ carrying the ‘constant’ EMR wave in a ‘random’ waveform, making it compatible with the human body.

What is SAR of my phone and if it is as per norms then why is it still harmful?

SAR refers to the Specific Absorption Rate which only measures the thermal (heating) effects of wireless radiation. It does not take into account the non-thermal and the health impact on the human body with prolonged exposure to radiation.

Though innumerable scientists have stated that SAR too is an inadequate metric of measurement because of the following:

SAR is a measure of the maximum amount of microwave radiation absorbed by a test dummy, not the amount of microwave radiation emitted by a wireless device.

The SAR was based on a model of the human head taken from a military recruit at the top 10% in height and weight, at the prime of the health which does not take into account the smaller adults and children who are exposed to the radiations on a daily basis.

The SAR is a measure of maximum power emitted under one frequency. Most smartphones today use several different frequencies in a single call, or with multiple uses of the phone taking place simultaneously.

The SAR is measured with the phone held 30 cm away from the head and for max. 6 minutes per hour. The human body is unaffected by this absorption only if used as per the SAR norms.

Whereas in reality, almost all users hold the phone against their ear while talking and use it for much longer periods than 6 minutes per hour during the day.

Therefore , even though our mobile phone is in range of SAR, it is still harmful based on our usage.

Are there any similar products in the market anywhere in the World? If yes, what is the USP of Envirochip and how is it superior to other competing products?

Presently, to the best of our understanding, there is no other product in the market which claims to change the nature of radiation and make it harmless for the human body, like the Envirochip. There are few products which we have come across and claim to be ‘Anti-Radiation Chips’ or ‘shields / patches’.

It is noted that neither they have been tested as per any established medical and scientific protocols by credible agencies nor have any studies been published to prove the positive effects on human health, like we have. Also, we have found that a few of the Anti-Radiation Chips reduced the strength of Electromagnetic Field (EMF) for a few seconds (8-10 seconds) only and after that the EMF value came back to its original value.

In principle, they reduce the intensity of radiation by a certain percentage for a while which also results in reduction in signal strength which is undesirable as it will affect performance of the device. Therefore, none of the competing products were found to be effective. Whereas, Envirochip has been tested at DB Technology Labs, Cambridge, UK and proven to have no effect on signal quality.

Does Envirochip really work? / What is the proof that Envirochip is working?

Yes. Envirochip has been clinically tested by 4 of the leading medical institutions in India - AIIMS, Apollo, Max & Medanta to provide the following benefits:

  1. Better Heart Health by improving Heart Rate Variability (HRV) by 7.7 - 10.7%.
  2. Lower Stress Levels by reducing Resting Heart Rate (RHR) by 4.8 - 8.1%.
  3. Better Brain Health by reducing the excitability in brain’s Alpha and Theta waves.

You can get more details here:

Additionally, we offer a 100-day return policy on all products purchased from our website. If you don't see the value in our products, you can return them for a full refund, subject to terms and conditions mentioned on our website.

What is the technology behind Envirochip?

The product works on the technology of changing constant waves into random waves and making it compatible with the human body. Smart devices and electronic items generate constant waves, which causes stress on the human body. Therefore, our Product contains materials which transform the constant waves into random waves.

Is there any difference in the shape, design and size of Envirochip?

The elements are chosen for their design aspects. Since our phones are something we carry with us everywhere and they are noticed by everyone, we provide multiple options on the design, which a user can choose to enhance the appearance and aesthetics of their device. Sizes and Shapes of Envirochip are different for each of the devices - Mobile Phone, Laptop, Wi-fi Router / Tablet PC and Smart TV.

What is the Shelf Life of Envirochip?

Envirochip doesn’t have any expiry date. It will work as long as it is stuck on your device. We recommend that when you change your device, get a new Envirochip, as the adhesive behind the product may weaken over time if you peel it off from your existing device(s) multiple times. 

The Product is expensive. Why should I buy it?

When we buy a new device like a smartphone, we are particular about its safety. We invest in high-quality covers and screen guards to protect the phone. Similarly, we need to invest in a product like Envirochip, which will protect us from any potential damage from exposure to Electromagnetic emissions, also commonly referred to as EMR, emanating from mobile phones. The cost is similar or less than the cost of a good quality mobile cover. Protecting one’s Health is more important than protecting a material item such as a Phone.

Most frequently asked question about Enviroglobe

Enviroglobe FAQ's

What is an Enviroglobe?

Enviroglobe is a radiation protection device that can be used at living and working spaces to protect from the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation emanating from the sources which one has no control over like mobile transmission towers, high tension lines, server rooms, electronic gadgets and other Wi-Fi devices in their vicinity. The globe helps to protect an area of 250 – 300 sq.ft. from the ill-effects of radiations.

What does it do?

It neutralizes the harmful impact of Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) by changing the nature of waves (radiations) emanating from wireless devices, making them harmless to the human body.

How do we use it?

Place Enviroglobe at/near the center of the area that needs to be protected from EMR. You can place it in your office, bedroom, and in a hotel room while you’re traveling. It needs to be recharged after one week by placing the Enviroglobe under direct sunlight / artificial light for 15 minutes. The artificial light source should not be more than a foot away from the top of the Enviroglobe.

What tests have been done to prove its effectiveness?

Enviroglobe has received the “CE Marking,” which declares that the product complies with all applicable European Safety Directives and Regulations. It has also been certified as a Green / Eco-Friendly Product by the Singapore Green Building Council (SGBC). Also, after the usage of Enviroglobe, more than 1,000 people have shown an improvement in pulse rate between 4-7% for those who have a high pulse rate (> 82). Lower pulse rate indicates lower stress and better health.

What are the materials used inside the Enviroglobe?

Enviroglobe is a patented technology, where a combination of inert materials is used, to generate ‘random’ waveforms at higher natural frequencies, which ‘carry’ the ‘constant’ waves (radiations) from the wireless devices to make it compatible to the human body.

Does Enviroglobe really work? / What is the proof that Enviroglobe is working?

Yes. Enviroglobe has been clinically tested by 2 of the leading medical institutions in India - AIIMS, & Apollo to provide the following benefits:

  1. Better Sleep Quality by improving Sleep Efficiency by 7 - 7.2%.
  2. Helps in Deeper Sleep and Reduced Awake Time.

You can get more details here:

Additionally, we offer a 100-day return policy on all products purchased from our website. If you don't see the value in our products, you can return them for a full refund, subject to terms and conditions mentioned on our website.

What is the technology behind Enviroglobe?

The product works on the technology of changing constant waves into random waves and making it compatible with the human body. Smart devices and electronic items generate constant waves, which causes stress on the human body. Therefore, our Product contains materials which transform the constant waves into random waves.

What is the Shelf Life of Enviroglobe?

Enviroglobe doesn’t have any expiry date. It will work as long as it is kept inside your home, office, car, etc and away from environmental factors such as rain. For optimum performance, you need to charge it by keeping it under natural sunlight or artificial focussed light for 15-20 minutes once a week. 

 The Product is expensive. Why should I buy it?

We are surrounded 24X7 by multiple devices and electronic installations such as Mobile Towers, Boosters, Server Rooms, and Personal devices such as Mobile Phones, Laptops, etc. These have Electromagnetic emissions, also commonly referred to as EMR, which have various short-term and long-term impact on health, and especially impact Sleep Quality. Enviroglobe is medically tested by leading medical institutions - AIIMS and Apollo to improve Sleep Efficiency. We are used to installing Water Purifiers to clean the Water we drink, and Air Purifiers to clean the air we breathe. Similarly, Enviroglobe acts as a Radiation Purifier to neutralize the harmful effects of EMR within an area of 300 sq.ft around you. Moreover, Enviroglobe is one-time investment, unlike Water & Air Purifiers, which require regular maintenance and expenses on filters and other parts.